Bill told you what he was going to do. If you took time to look up his two decades of accomplishments you would have realize what his plan was with mRNA sipike protein injections.
polio is a fraud, its not a virus, no im not a terrain theorist or a germ theorist i believe both have validity to some extent. i'd ask any of those people to try getting bit by a rabid dog and see how that goes or look after an ebola patient without any protection. however polio is a lie and always was:
It seems you've bought into the propaganda spewed by the government and mainstream media hook, line, and sinker. Unfortunately, it's all bullshit.
let's take a look at history and polio!
1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'
1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.
1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report the Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that 'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).
1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.
1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69 children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.
1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead arsenate residues.
1921: Franklin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.
1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.
1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.
1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected.
1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis.
1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.
1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.'
1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend, notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion residues.
1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on infants and children have even been considered.'
1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with anti toxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol and ascorbic acid. Example: Dr. F. R. Klenner reported: 'In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care... The treatment was massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly... All patients were clinically well after 72 hours.'
1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were the major cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces in the blood of polio victims.
Comment: This was a no no. The viral causation theory was not something to be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities were threatened. Biskind and Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule.
1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.
1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'
1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of sales of DDT to third world countries.
(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that, polio cases sky rocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause huge spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)
1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou-Gehrig's Disease), MS, MD etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line and sinker and to this very day, many pro vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.
1962: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published.
1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.
2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP. MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symptoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects are irreversible.'
Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.
well, there hasn't been a "rabid dog" in the usa for 20 years and not a "rabid" person for upwards of 30 years...that's all a scam as well to sell health ruining shots. i have been an RN for 54 years and the amount of vaccine DESTRUCTION I have witnessed is staggering. The VAST majority of us are VAX INJURED...
This is all more than true - it is a summary of how far back the lies we have had to live with go. We truly do live in the Matrix.
In 1949 I was diagnosed with polio. I was two years old. My mother begged our family doctor to please let her take care of me at home. I only have one vague memory of having polio. I recall the day I was able to walk. I could not have been much older so it was either a light case or my mother did something right in caring for me. I only remember my parents and sister and brother cheering me on as I walked from one end of our living room to the other.
Flash forward 5 or 6 years later, I had to line up in the hall of my elementary school with the rest of the students being paraded through the nurse's office to get a sugar cube with the polio vaccine dropped on it.
I just read it and, based on my persoanl deep dives into real history, even that which is currently in the making, I absolutely agree with you. I'm glad you are willing to speak out because I am tired and feel as though I've mostly been talking to myself for decades.
You say you are an atheist - I'm not sure what that means anymore. I find that everyone believes in something, even if it's his/her own perceived wisdom. All I can tell you is that I am living proof it is possible to have a personal relationship with God and not follow a man-made doctrine or religion. So many things I could tell you, especially about how humans have a primitive need to have a human deity to worship.
However, very few understand there is NOTHING holy on earth anymore. No human, no artifact, no piece of land, no building. "It is finished." Famous last words.
To sum this up - we are at war with dark principalities and it is a struggle that has been going on for millennia. I guess you know what DUMBs are? The atrocities hidden from us are beyond an average human's comprehension. Nevertheless, there is but one goal - to erase God's creation. Personally it feels to me as though all the stops have been pulled and the plan is excellerated.
The good news is that the war has been won. But that unfortunately does not mean we are not tasked with fighting the battles here in the middle.
to me an atheist is someone that doesnt believe in a religion, i believe in the savage garden, the earth is beautiful but sometimes brutal, there is no guidance from above we just have to work out our place within it. learn the lessons and pass them on.
for me the big lesson is governments dont work, we need to find another system, some sort of regional digital democracy maybe that has no leadership as such
Ray, I love this information. Where can I read more about it? My 79 yr old uncle "contracted polio" in a small farming community (Lynden) in NW Washington state, way back in his youth.
You seem to have a thing about this, I've seen you post almost exactly these words before. Are you some kind of agent of death? Do you pull the wings off flies?
Maybe you should be working in some kind of abattoir or something, daaaaaaaaaaaaamn.
Well, so do I. No offense, I just have a very, very vivid imagination and I don't like a lot of gore. :P
Me, I think lethal injection would be best (poetic justice!!), unless we just want them to sit in a concrete cell for the rest of their lives-- I haven't decided which seems more appropriate.
And I think we should make it IMPOSSIBLE for this kind of behavior to happen, by not allowing anybody to have that much power and/or money.
YEAH. He's been letting that same cat outta the same bag for a while now, between taking his "guilty pleasure" jet jaunts to Africa and India to kill off summa them folks. I so agree with you on this, and wondering how anybody could think he's a fucking "good guy" for his so-called philanthropy... Gates is why philanthropy now has a bad name... And he's not "saving" the world, he's KILLING it, and us. That was ever the plan, and well before WWII... Same people, too-- their children (if ANYONE should stop breeding, it's these fricken Venetians. At least there was a bright spot the other day when one of these blood-sucking parasite psychopaths bit the dust... The Queen is dead, may the rest of the vermin follow asap. Lethal injection, anyone? Seems poetically fitting to me.
Which one of these ugly Gates associates will become the “Hitler Or Stalin” of history? Difficult to understand how any of these psychopaths could be appointed dog catcher, let alone be taken seriously by anyone.
Thanks Viking! Great article exposing the 'accomplishments' of this demon.
I re-posted it on the Thailand Expats and Friends GAB-group < >, which mainly features re-posts of critical contributions on the current Madness.
Perhaps the 'Messiah Complex' is more used by the Resetters....convincing people 'we' need to blot out the sun with graphene and aluminum, manipulate the kill everybody, in actuality. There is no 'good' weather manipulation. Like with weaponizing viruses, we need to STOP IT.
Dude, I don't what crawled up your backside and laid eggs, but I know plenty enough about the 30's and 40's in Germany because I have become edumacated. Go listen to Matt Ehret and stop being so stanky. xo And another thing: History isn't just ONE thing. I agree we've been lied to, and that's why I like reading.
"Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.”
I have a non-believer, journalist, in my email chain who can't believe Gates has anything but honorable intentions. Could you please offer your source for this? Thanks.
Bill Gates has done everything possible to block the truth on the internet. Simply do a search with key words. He can’t block it all. Most on places like YouTube the block is obvious. Here is one out of many he wasn’t successful in blocking…the are hundreds more.
Raging anger from India: Arrest Bill Gates for "ruthless and immoral" vaccines! - The Herland Report
Not sure what I was thinking. I OWN an Ecopy of RFK's book and it covers ALL of this and more. In addition to your post, I pasted a few pages into the email and hopefully woke him up. We will see if reality sets in or his own cognitive dissonance rules, still!
I sent it but his response indicates he did not read much, if any, of what I sent -- probably just scanned the headlines. I had figured he was more "aware" but, sigh, he is probably blue pilled.
By the way, that is a blockbuster article. thanks.
I hope Gates and others are sued around the world; maybe THAT will FINALLY wake some of those dozing so hard.
polio is a fraud, its not a virus, no im not a terrain theorist or a germ theorist i believe both have validity to some extent. i'd ask any of those people to try getting bit by a rabid dog and see how that goes or look after an ebola patient without any protection. however polio is a lie and always was:
It seems you've bought into the propaganda spewed by the government and mainstream media hook, line, and sinker. Unfortunately, it's all bullshit.
let's take a look at history and polio!
1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'
1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.
1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report the Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that 'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).
1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.
1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69 children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.
1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead arsenate residues.
1921: Franklin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.
1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.
1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.
1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected.
1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis.
1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.
1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.'
1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend, notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion residues.
1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on infants and children have even been considered.'
1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with anti toxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol and ascorbic acid. Example: Dr. F. R. Klenner reported: 'In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care... The treatment was massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly... All patients were clinically well after 72 hours.'
1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were the major cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces in the blood of polio victims.
Comment: This was a no no. The viral causation theory was not something to be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities were threatened. Biskind and Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule.
1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.
1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'
1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of sales of DDT to third world countries.
(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that, polio cases sky rocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause huge spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)
1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou-Gehrig's Disease), MS, MD etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line and sinker and to this very day, many pro vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.
1962: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published.
1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.
2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP. MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symptoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects are irreversible.'
Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.
well, there hasn't been a "rabid dog" in the usa for 20 years and not a "rabid" person for upwards of 30 years...that's all a scam as well to sell health ruining shots. i have been an RN for 54 years and the amount of vaccine DESTRUCTION I have witnessed is staggering. The VAST majority of us are VAX INJURED...
This is all more than true - it is a summary of how far back the lies we have had to live with go. We truly do live in the Matrix.
In 1949 I was diagnosed with polio. I was two years old. My mother begged our family doctor to please let her take care of me at home. I only have one vague memory of having polio. I recall the day I was able to walk. I could not have been much older so it was either a light case or my mother did something right in caring for me. I only remember my parents and sister and brother cheering me on as I walked from one end of our living room to the other.
Flash forward 5 or 6 years later, I had to line up in the hall of my elementary school with the rest of the students being paraded through the nurse's office to get a sugar cube with the polio vaccine dropped on it.
you were lucky, that sugar cube had more toxins in it
I am more inclined to believe in Divine Intervention. :-)
interesting that you used that term, i just posted an article titled 'divine right'
I just read it and, based on my persoanl deep dives into real history, even that which is currently in the making, I absolutely agree with you. I'm glad you are willing to speak out because I am tired and feel as though I've mostly been talking to myself for decades.
You say you are an atheist - I'm not sure what that means anymore. I find that everyone believes in something, even if it's his/her own perceived wisdom. All I can tell you is that I am living proof it is possible to have a personal relationship with God and not follow a man-made doctrine or religion. So many things I could tell you, especially about how humans have a primitive need to have a human deity to worship.
However, very few understand there is NOTHING holy on earth anymore. No human, no artifact, no piece of land, no building. "It is finished." Famous last words.
To sum this up - we are at war with dark principalities and it is a struggle that has been going on for millennia. I guess you know what DUMBs are? The atrocities hidden from us are beyond an average human's comprehension. Nevertheless, there is but one goal - to erase God's creation. Personally it feels to me as though all the stops have been pulled and the plan is excellerated.
The good news is that the war has been won. But that unfortunately does not mean we are not tasked with fighting the battles here in the middle.
to me an atheist is someone that doesnt believe in a religion, i believe in the savage garden, the earth is beautiful but sometimes brutal, there is no guidance from above we just have to work out our place within it. learn the lessons and pass them on.
for me the big lesson is governments dont work, we need to find another system, some sort of regional digital democracy maybe that has no leadership as such
Ray, I love this information. Where can I read more about it? My 79 yr old uncle "contracted polio" in a small farming community (Lynden) in NW Washington state, way back in his youth.
theres a book called 'the moth in the iron lung' by forrest maready
Have you read Are You Crooked
nope, and a quick search i found nothing
Thank you for this.
And he was a friend of Jeff Epstein. Let's hope that Bill and Tony will hang for genocide.
No, no, no... LETHAL INJECTION, doncha think???
Sounds good to me. Or lopping off their heads with a scimitar or guillotine. Then hang them upside down from meathooks like Mussolini.
You seem to have a thing about this, I've seen you post almost exactly these words before. Are you some kind of agent of death? Do you pull the wings off flies?
Maybe you should be working in some kind of abattoir or something, daaaaaaaaaaaaamn.
I would not hurt a fly. I do think that satanic demons who commit genocide should be made an example of to discourage this behavior.
Well, so do I. No offense, I just have a very, very vivid imagination and I don't like a lot of gore. :P
Me, I think lethal injection would be best (poetic justice!!), unless we just want them to sit in a concrete cell for the rest of their lives-- I haven't decided which seems more appropriate.
And I think we should make it IMPOSSIBLE for this kind of behavior to happen, by not allowing anybody to have that much power and/or money.
YEAH. He's been letting that same cat outta the same bag for a while now, between taking his "guilty pleasure" jet jaunts to Africa and India to kill off summa them folks. I so agree with you on this, and wondering how anybody could think he's a fucking "good guy" for his so-called philanthropy... Gates is why philanthropy now has a bad name... And he's not "saving" the world, he's KILLING it, and us. That was ever the plan, and well before WWII... Same people, too-- their children (if ANYONE should stop breeding, it's these fricken Venetians. At least there was a bright spot the other day when one of these blood-sucking parasite psychopaths bit the dust... The Queen is dead, may the rest of the vermin follow asap. Lethal injection, anyone? Seems poetically fitting to me.
How do we stop him?
Which one of these ugly Gates associates will become the “Hitler Or Stalin” of history? Difficult to understand how any of these psychopaths could be appointed dog catcher, let alone be taken seriously by anyone.
Thanks Viking! Great article exposing the 'accomplishments' of this demon.
I re-posted it on the Thailand Expats and Friends GAB-group < >, which mainly features re-posts of critical contributions on the current Madness.
That was a great post. Thanks!
Perhaps the 'Messiah Complex' is more used by the Resetters....convincing people 'we' need to blot out the sun with graphene and aluminum, manipulate the kill everybody, in actuality. There is no 'good' weather manipulation. Like with weaponizing viruses, we need to STOP IT.
Well, he's wanted for murder in India... Strange how he doesn't go there anymore.
Anyway, I agree with you 100%, his family is full of eugenicists and Nazi supporters from way back, on both sides.
Hey, Nazis were never as EVIL as Bill Gates.
Sure, they were. And he IS a Nazi... he is descended from Nazis.
But yeah, they were pretty fuckin' EVIL, too.
Were you there in the 1930's and 40's in Germany? Were you anywhere then? I doubt it.
Believe what you have been indoctrinated to believe. But let me ask you this:
If we are being lied to today, exactly when did it start?
Reality is not = to history. History is a fiction written by the victors to support an agenda.
Dude, I don't what crawled up your backside and laid eggs, but I know plenty enough about the 30's and 40's in Germany because I have become edumacated. Go listen to Matt Ehret and stop being so stanky. xo And another thing: History isn't just ONE thing. I agree we've been lied to, and that's why I like reading.
"Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.”
I have a non-believer, journalist, in my email chain who can't believe Gates has anything but honorable intentions. Could you please offer your source for this? Thanks.
Bill Gates has done everything possible to block the truth on the internet. Simply do a search with key words. He can’t block it all. Most on places like YouTube the block is obvious. Here is one out of many he wasn’t successful in blocking…the are hundreds more.
Raging anger from India: Arrest Bill Gates for "ruthless and immoral" vaccines! - The Herland Report
thanks for replying.
Not sure what I was thinking. I OWN an Ecopy of RFK's book and it covers ALL of this and more. In addition to your post, I pasted a few pages into the email and hopefully woke him up. We will see if reality sets in or his own cognitive dissonance rules, still!
Send him this just posted
Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine
I sent it but his response indicates he did not read much, if any, of what I sent -- probably just scanned the headlines. I had figured he was more "aware" but, sigh, he is probably blue pilled.
By the way, that is a blockbuster article. thanks.
I hope Gates and others are sued around the world; maybe THAT will FINALLY wake some of those dozing so hard.