I wonder if the number of quackcinated people is anywhere near accurate? It could be much lower than they are telling us.

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Corporate America is responsible for gender, they seeded it, pushed it and are now pretending that it's a ground up movement. As you said only 1% or less consider themselves transgender. I've seen figures such as 0.2%. And yet we've had wall to wall transgender for several years. I'll add something too, organized religion is also supporting this corporate travesty.

I've seen a figure recently there's a 1.3m USD return for every person that the Pharmaceutical industry et al turns to eunuch. But that's not the complete explanation either.

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Bigger picture: If there is ONE thing going on, aside from the terrorism of All Things Covid, and including that, too, it is this: DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

When we can all keep this one brain nugget front and center, we will advance quickly.

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Speaking as one, the gays/bisexuals have been at 10% since the 1980's, according to one estimate I heard...1 in 10, seems fairly accurate to me. Its more than 3 in a hundred imo.

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According to the left, everything that is wrong with the country can be attributed to the wealthy. The 1% wealthy, greedy, self-serving, white, privileged (all bogus stereotypes) are the problem and they must be punished. “It’s unacceptable for 1% to dictate to and cheat the rest of us.” But at the same time, the left rationalizes that the 1% that are transgender must be validated and their every whim become sacrosanct diktat. Even more so for the 3% that are gay. Add in the ubiquitous, all-race-all-the-time-everywhere creed and the “democracy crowd” (democracy being based, ironically, on majority rule) is setting the stage for fringe minority to eventually run them out of town. I can’t wait until they all turn on one another. And they will. There's nothing more "trans" than the transparent self-serving narcissism of virtue signaling busybodies in the name of co-opting the plight of people they don't know and can't possibly empathize with beyond a few, pre-packaged talking points.

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Thank you so much for putting my worries to rest! Please do it every day, mornings preferable!

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