Mar 25Liked by The Aging Viking

Headed into a full-on mini ice age by 2030. Ideal gas laws prove CO2 doesn’t cause global warming. It’s all BS. I studied Envrio Science and university and quit in 3rd year because it was all about propaganda to get students to hate corporations. When I gave a presentation to 3rd year students, they freaked out because I present the science that CO2 is not causing global warming. When I asked, not one student had read a climate science book, not one, but all of them watched Al Gores BS movie where they lied by getting people to believe CO2 increased and then temp increased, but it was the opposite. Tree rings and Ice cores also prove CO2 is not causing global warming. It’s total BS. And the students don’t care that Al Gore and David Blood (Blood and Gore) were owners in the Chicago Climate Exchange, profiting from carbon credits etc. The wold will wake up about it soon, because places that get winter will get month-long ice storms that will take down the power lines so fast that power companies won’t be able to keep up, and on-time delivery will implode on those icy roads. Those people need a wood stove for sure.

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Yes. I've been trying to point this out to family and friends..but they are all brainwashed or don't care. Keep saying this.

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Yeah basically if you deplete CO2 all life on this planet pretty much dies. Including us. Plants NEED CO2, we need CO2, try breathing pure O2 and see how long you last?


From the article:

Contrary to popular myth, hyperventilating air at ordinary pressures never causes oxygen toxicity (the dizziness is due to CO2 levels dropping too low), but breathing oxygen at pressures of 0.5 bar or more (roughly two and a half times normal) for more than 16 hours can lead to irreversible lung damage and, eventually, death.

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The minions of satan have no idea they are minions. They they are deluded to believe they are gods. The ongoing plan to destroy God's creation has been in play for many decades. Seems like it's almost manic now so I suspect there is some concern that they might succeed in destroying the earth, and thus themselves. So, getting rid of as many people as possible before it goes upside down seems to be the focus. Though I am prepared it will get worse before it gets better, there is hope. Matthew 24:22 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

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