l'm pro-freedom, and anti-globalist. I think they're evil psychopaths whom we can't coexist with. I agree with them on one thing - fewer people would be better. I'm not for killing anybody for the sake of population reduction, of course. But, if those in power are choosing that route, I'd say selecting to eliminate those gullible and stupid enough to line up to be injected with the obviously bogus, all-risk, no-reward MRNA jabs would be a good way to go about it, as it might result in some improvement in the race. An influential guy name Jaque Attali allegedly advocated for exactly that around 40 years ago.

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Gates was told that vaccines reduced population by killing people and ruining fertility.

The military has known that since the 1960s.

It's the plan.

Kissinger said once the people accepted vaccines, it was "game over."

Meanwhile, pay for and fight in their forever wars.

Makes sense, right?


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