Excellent summary. It dovetails with much of what I’ve observed and concluded from a thinking layman’s position.

For me, the apparent a priori decision to make the novel injectables available for the entire population raised red flags. When they began trials on children, I was convinced that the forces behind this massive effort represented evil.

To remain silent in the face of such a foe was no longer an option.

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An excellent piece that's definitely worth sharing as widely as possible- NOT because it's new info or for most here on substack particularly earth shattering info, but because it sums it all up (being where and how policies went wrong around the world), rather succinctly and applaudingly emotive-free! Like good journalism used to know how to do😉

For anyone still popping shots like M&M's, for anyone still trusting the bungling bureaucracy, for anyone who doesn't really understand why, the shots had no chance in hell of actually working in the first place and why they have become the worst type of modern asbestos that governments will be bankrupt over the damages done.

Tell them to read this. 5mins of their time, will clear up their unanswered questions of the last 3 years, why they feel so $#!@, and explain why the governments of the world, prefer to break the entire system than admit how badly they cluster/@$%!€) the entire situation.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget

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