
He is part of the CIA

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That Hillary quote about Democrat voters being stupid is a real attention-getter. So, I did a search. What I found is all the usual lying fact-checkers say it's fabricated. They say it's supposed to be in a Dick Morris book, and it's not. And, Dick Morris says she never said it.

The alt sources citing the quote as if it's real are just citing the quote. I didn't see any efforts to debunk the mainstream, lying debunkers. I didn't spend much time really, not worth it to me. But as of now my conclusion is most likely the fact-checkers are right for once and she never said it. Can anybody cite when and where she said it, and refer to some validation? If it's in the book, which I doubt, a page number?

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Oh NO!! This has been my greatest fear!!

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Some sources suggest that Soros has provided funding to organizations that support fact-checking efforts, such as the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network, which is a subsidiary of PolitiFact. Additionally, there are claims that Soros-funded organizations have provided grants to groups involved in protests or advocacy work.

It is worth noting that criticism of Soros' politics or how he spends his wealth is not inherently antisemitic, but it can become so when Soros is used as a symbol for Jewish control, wealth, and power, which can perpetuate antisemitic tropes. In summary, while there are claims and discussions about Soros' influence on fact-checking organizations.

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How are the Soroses still able to walk free?

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Who checks the Fact Checkers owned by Soros

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