
Google is blocking it…..use DuckDuck as your search engine

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1:55 eastern standard time…

That action alone says so much!

What will happen if one KEEPS REPOSTING THE VIDEO? 🫤

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It plays on my end….but that means little when a fascist government is in control

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Thank you…for checking

Using duckduck…

Will continue attempts.

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Record it on your phone or laptop

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The video has been removed.

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I found it again.

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It still won’t work/play

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Reloaded…try again

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Works, just not from the emailed post.

Great find and Faux looks more like himself as the rat.

Hah, the rat trying to make us labrats. How's that for him projecting.

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Work for me this time 7:40pm. I did tried earlier and didn’t worked I tried copying and pasting nothing. Maybe give it some time ?

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We know it was all a lie. But Fauci did it for profit and fame and because he is the DOD bioweapons point man, and cannot be prosecuted...he thinks.

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