A couple of little thoughts. Temp measurements today compared to 100 years ago fail to account for city sizes and temperature station locations. Cities create warmer air and are much larger today. Additionally, CO2 increases always follow warmer temperatures. It is not the other way around; this fact alone destroys the man-made CO2 dogma.

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Also note the solar cycle graph in his post! Some historians have noted that there is a 500 year civilization cycle that can be traced back a few millennia. The current cycle began with the Renaissance and this cycle is currently drawing to a close with the collapse of the Soviet and USG empires which represented the culmination of the Right and Left wings of Renaissance philosophy. What I didn't know is that there is a 500 year solar cycle, trough to peak, that just coincidentally mirrors the civilization cycle. So you end up with one civilization cycle on the upside of the solar cycle and then one civilization cycle on the downside of the solar cycle. The point for us is that we are currently at the peak warming trend of the current solar cycle when volatile social/philosophical changes can be expected to initiate the new civilization cycle - whatever that may be. So... all I can say is that God is in control of all this.

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AI -- Artificial Insanity

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