Bill says he opposes vaccine mandates. Maybe he's gotten word that he's way up on the International Assassin's List.

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There are two words that one can pretty much count on to never apply to the same person, and those are "billionaire" and "philanthropist." Regarding Bill Effing Gates, it would be laughable if he weren't such a genocidal Nazi maniac... And he can't sue me for libel unless he can prove me wrong.

After two and a half years of reading copious science, I feel safe in asserting that:

1. There are no such things as "viruses," at least, not in the sense that they are attackers hired by Nature to take us all down.

2. Contagion has never been proven (yes, it's a bit astounding at first, but look into it for a while and it will start to make sense... Terrain Theory.

3. "Covid19" is a bioweapon, but it's not a problem, the jabs are the problem, EMF's (5G) are the problem, psychopath billionaires with delusions of grandeur and godhood are the problem, and Mass Formation Psychosis, political mania, and Natricide (Nature-Killing) is the problem...

4. People being stupified by authority and unwilling to investigate, question, or listen to things they don't want to hear are the problem.

5. Food shortages, food sabotage, food toxification, supply chain "issues," and propaganda are the problem.

6. Absolute and utter corruption of the federal governments of many, many countries are the problem.

7. The nearly complete takeover of the Free Press and the persecution of truth tellers, whistle blowers, and the censorship of social media-- and the ADDICTION to social media-- is the problem.

That's enough for now, eh?

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But without breakthrough infections mandates and passports would be ok?

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Upon watching the video, at the 18 minute mark, Bill states he is looking forward to quackcines that are infection blocking and long duration, and notes the current quackcines have failed on both accounts. His 'what the point' comment is at minute 51.

He is still advocating a drug based approach and proposes a pathogen independent approach to stimulating the immune system to block infection.

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Incrementalism is most effective if there is a perceived lull or reprieve between waves of fear and panic. The lull must not reach equilibrium - it must be slightly higher each iteration. The most effective reprieve will include sympathetic testimony and staged humility coming directly from the tormentor.

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