I have seen lots of 'trail' activity, especially over skies in Sweden. I don't know what they are, but one thing is for sure: messing with our skies, spraying chemicals and metals, cannot be good, and we know that at least a few nations have been trying to change weather patterns for years. The earth is a system and when you try to change one place, there will be a response somewhere else. Anything Gates has to do with is automatically for nefarious purposes.

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And what if the intent is even worse ?

They have enough data to show what happens when you spray aerosolised H5N1 from the skies over large populations. They know the spread if wind patterns are a particular way. Refer to latest Corbett report for geo engineering including this possibility

They are currently meeting in DC as reported by Dr Jessica Rose and included are instructions for mass casualty events.

There are already 'flu' nasal vax . Astra zeneca have three ( they get payback for taking their covid shot off the market)

Redfield has just finished a live session being questioned by Ron Paul and others and specifically said it. He told everyone what they an to do. Kevin mccairn and Charles Rixey had it on Rumble.

My hunch is they blame it on China or Russia and besides killing more of us they use it as an e case for war.

We have to recognise that the people in charge are desperate, they know they only have a small window of opportunity before it collapses around them.

I hope there are still enough good people in power who can stop them.

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Cloud seeding causes CHEMtrails while innocent flying at certain altitudes, temperatures, humidities can cause CONDENSATIONtrails

Contrail theory is a psyop to try and get people to fight with each other.

Speculations, patents, threats, rumour, or any other similar notion does not prove Chemtrails. It simply suggests they may be a possibility but no good evidence exists to show that they exist.

I strongly suggest asking yourself the question why would people with almost unlimited money want to spoil their own atmosphere?

What thought process could get you to piss in your own well?

There are many things in the world that were conspiracy theories that have been proven true but chemtrails is one that has never had any real proof, just an immense amount of talk by very questionable individuals and the gullible. I hope you are not one of the former and the latter you can fix with careful logical thought.

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