Let’s Analyze the dastardly CO2 atmospheric carbon pollution
Forget the fact for now that CO2 is not even a global warming carbon pollutant to start, but let’s assume the Con Men are right about Net Zero and CO2 needing to be reduced to stop our World from burning up.
First, comments on the estimated 415 ppm of CO2 presently in our atmosphere in an effort to help the raging leftwing amateur political climatologist that struggled with math in school. Plus, for many of you more intelligent that didn’t flunk math, but have just been sucked into the NetZero Con repeated and repeated, please follow along because you’ve been duped……I mean DUPED…really DUPED with this NetZero and CO2 catch and release con game to save the world from turning into a ball of fire and be paid trillions for doing it.
About CO2 which is only a trace gas in our atmosphere….and is measured in ppm, but it is just as important for life on earth as oxygen. It as often described as the elixir of life because it transfer carbon to plants which use it to produce oxygen and grow.
**Based on hundreds of millions of years of the history the most active periods of life on earth CO2 often exceeded 1000 ppm when plants and animals thrived. Infact, today’s commercial greenhouse often add CO2 to increase it to 1000 ppm to increase plant growth.
As far as safety to humans. How dangerous does our Government think CO2 is to breathe and to our health, and how will it affect a persons ability to think and reason. Obvious our military does not think it is harmful.
**The CO2 normal range in a submarine is typically between 1,000 to 5,000 parts per million (ppm), with some submarines allowing concentrations up to 7,000 ppm.
Grok** …tell me about amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and where it comes from?
Breaking it down into Natural and Human….
- **Natural CO2 Sources** account for 95-96% of the present 0.04% CO2 in our atmosphere, with oceans, biological processes, and volcanic activity being the most significant contributors. As warming occurs the warmer oceans release CO2 stored. Biological process increase CO2 production as they warm.
- **Human CO2 Sources** we only produce 4-5% of total CO2 in the atmosphere, which includes all fossil fuels burned and from humans activity on earth.
Grok**…..how does the 4 to 5% of the total 415 ppm in the atmosphere break down. What percentage is used for energy production and what for all other human activities.
All Human activity is responsible for a total 20 ppm of the CO2 in the atmosphere. …about 5 ppm from human activity and 15 ppm from burning gas, oil, and coal to keep the lights on.
- **A rough estimate** might suggest that energy production could account for **a majority** of the human-induced CO2 emissions, possibly around **60-80%** when considering electricity generation, heating, and transport fuels? The remaining **20 to 40 %** is from all other human activities.
It is obvious, increasing atmospheric CO2 caused by man is obviously not the major cause of so called CO2 carbon warming pollution. Even if it was causing warming, which it is not. What is left is to blame… the 95 to 96% of Natural CO2 Sources of which little to no control.
It also,appears that won’t curb Bill Gates anti CO2 enthusiasm. If humans are not the cause of increasing CO2 and it is a part of earth’s natural cooling/warming cycle, he will over ride nature and control oceans, biological processes, and volcanic activity.
Oceans and volcanic activity may be a little tough, but biological processes have promise from a eugenist perspective. All that farming produces a lot of CO2. Ignoring the fact farming consumes CO2 more than it produces, shutting down farming and blocking the sun reduces farm output. A good eugenist loves food shortages and starvation.
Here is what we will gain from the multi $Trillion NetZero capture the CO2 scam………….absolutely ZILCH ZERO NADA NOTHING ….
but we will give Eugenics Bill a way to hand over Trillions of dollars to a group that have clearly stated that their goal is to remove 8 billion people from the World, by any and all means. A way to reduce food production on farms. Away to get paid to remove the elixir of life gas, store it, and sell it back as the world turns brow and billions die off. A Eugenist dream!
Think about this. If we even attempted to take our small 20 ppm so called man made CO2 pollution to zero, we would be living in the dark ages because it would require us to shut down nearly all of our power plants.
If mankind wants to reduce that dastardly CO2 it provides by 20 ppm, which it has control over, that would require 8 billion or more to die. I think I am starting to understand what is going on.
It is Earths slight irregular wobble as it circles the sun and the suns internal energy changes are what is causing earth’s regular millions of years of temperature cycles not methane or CO2.
All research shows Methane and CO2 follow earths cycling temperature increases, not precede. Hundreds of millions of years of history of earth shown the global warming cycle will continue as it does and more CO2 will be produced naturally….Totally out of our control. Trying to keep up with the natural increase by capturing CO2 and paying trillions of dollars is the ultimate scam. Our slight CO2 increase has made the earth greener and increasing farm output.
I would love for these guys to comment without double talk
.The Ultimate Conmen …Al Gores, Bill Gates and WEF presently have many believing humans are destroying the World and causing Global Warming with the CO2 pollution we cause. What is the truth?
A little humor to a very serious topic.
When I think of all of the distortions about CO2, I can picture Bill Gates',reduced to the size of a flea, floating slowly down a river on a leaf, lying on his back with an erection, getting ready to go under a railroad draw bridge and shouting raise the bridge, raise the bridge, raise the bridge.😊
and I still need the filter algorithm removed from my account on X👍