The radical left DC SWAMP is setting this country up for self destruction and CIVIL WAR. What do you think is going to happen when Trump cancels these designed to fail PILOT GIVE AWAYS?
🚨 New York City - It Has Begun…
NYC Begins Handing out Prepaid Debit Cards to Illegal Alien’s re: $53 Million Pilot Program
🔴 ILLEGALS WILL get 40% more Food Aid Assistance than Americans
Illegals: Americans on SNAP:
$12.52 a day $7.59 a day
🔴 NEW YORK will spend $15 Billion on Illegal Services
• Free Shelter
• Free healthcare
• Free mental healthcare
• Free legal help
• ID Cards
• Free English classes
• Public Education
🔴 THE $53 MILLION illegal alien Pilot program is more than…
• The Department of Veteran Services receives, $21 Million
• The office of National and Community Service, $18 million
• The Division of Human Rights, $25 million
• The city’s Cancer Services Program, $19.8 million
• The program, will provide illegal families of four with two children with up to $350 each week until the end of their stay.
🔴 WHERE IS this money going to come from?
• Taxes are raised on US Citizens
• The state borrows the money and has to pay it back later, with interest.
• Take money away from some other social service, often from needy Americans.
According to estimates, Illegal Immigration will cost US Taxpayers $150 Billion a year.
Absolutely correcto and what that means is CIA running it all Obamination was CIA all the way , so were parents.
if the powers STOP giving handouts (which they will)
Good Luck everyone.